Jack’s return


The air is thick with anticipation and nostalgia as Noli and her dad drive to the airport. They're on their way to pick up Jack, Noli's childhood friend. Once inseparable, their relationship hit an unexpected snag last summer. The warmth of their friendship turned cold, the laughter replaced by awkward silences, and Jack seemed to be hiding something he couldn't or wouldn't share.

Noli's heart is a whirlpool of conflicting emotions. The memories of the joyful summers they once shared are overshadowed by the haunting uncertainty of last year. She's spent the entire school year fretting over their crumbling friendship, with her crush on Xander serving as a welcome but temporary distraction.

What changed between them? Was it something she did? Or was it Jack's mysterious, withdrawn behavior? The questions have gnawed at her, and now the answers seem to lie just beyond the airport's sliding doors.

As they pull into the terminal, Noli's stomach twists in apprehension. The unknown awaits her, and with it comes the chance to either mend the broken strands of their friendship or confirm that they've drifted irreparably apart.

Jack's face appears in the crowd, familiar yet somehow different. His eyes meet Noli's, and in that instant, a thousand unspoken words pass between them. There's an undeniable tension, a barrier they must overcome if they are to rediscover the magic of their friendship.

"Sophomore Summer" by Chase Tatum masterfully navigates the complexities of adolescent relationships, exploring themes of trust, vulnerability, and the delicate dance between growing up and holding on to cherished memories. Through Noli's eyes, readers will experience the raw emotion of a friendship teetering on the brink, the euphoria of first love, and the timeless quest for understanding and connection.

Will Noli and Jack be able to rebuild their friendship? Can they find the words to express what went wrong? And will Jack finally open up to Noli about what's been haunting him?

Don't miss the opportunity to dive into this heartfelt story that resonates with the universal longing for connection, acceptance, and the unfading magic of youth.

"Sophomore Summer" is set to become your favorite beach read, capturing hearts and minds when it hits the shelves soon. Pre-order your copy today and embark on a journey filled with laughter, tears, and the undying spark of friendship.


Teeing off trouble


Xander’s note a glimpse into Noli’s yearbook